Brothers Jake and Luke Davies were raised in Melbourne, Australia. Growing up on Rock N’ Roll, they developed a passion for the music. Jake says “I first put a guitar in Luke’s hands when he was 10. I taught him the nylon string acoustic intro to ‘Unforgiven’ by Metallica, from there he was hooked!” With the release of new track & video ‘Let’s Go’, the band is continuing down the road of no-holds-barred Rock N’ Roll. The Davies brothers loved their native Australia, but were drawn to the U.S. when Luke was accepted to the Berklee School of Music in Boston. Jake relocated to Long Beach, California and started playing in bands on the local scene. After a couple of semesters @ Berklee in 2015, Jake invited Luke to come spend a school break with him in Southern California. Jake says “Every night turned into us partying and writing music. We couldn’t record it on our phones fast enough - It was just pouring out of us! We knew Luke needed to drop out of Berklee and move in with me permanently in Long Beach to do this together for the rest of our lives”.

As far as the genesis of the band name, Jake continues “One night after heavy drinking at the bar, Luke was struggling. I asked him, ‘how you doing over there Luke’? He said ‘I don’t know man... I’m a little left of limbo’ and it jumped out at us as a band name. Of Limbo has a mystery to it... It’s a bit weird and we definitely have to say the name twice when people ask. But hey - what’s Pearl Jam? Eventually the name just becomes the band identity of the band - not the definition of the words”. It matches their refreshingly unique hard-rock sound, that doesn’t just follow current trends. Davies says “We absolutely strive to not repeat ourselves and create as many different colors as possible. As far as influences. Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Rage Against The Machine are all at the top. As far as how diverse the sound is, Faith No More is a band who I really respect for their ability to do this too”.

The band has just released new track & video “Let’s Go”. Previously released songs include ‘Happened Again, ‘Nothing But Now’ ; ‘Nicotine’; and ‘Fight For Your Right’ (Beastie Boys cover). Of Limbo pride themselves on making every show a party. They have toured with Blue Oyster Cult, Wolfmother, Faster Pussycat, Hinder, Candlebox, Buckcherry, Small Town Titans and Joyous Wolf, among others.

Their high-energy performances create an electric atmosphere that is infectious, making it impossible not to have fun. “Performance wise, for us, it’s always been about making a rock show a party again” says Jake. “I can’t tell you how many shows I’ve been to where the people just stand there like zombies that have been herded into a room to just stare at the meat on stage and robotically clap when a song ends. You know the craziest thing about it? All it takes is like two people at the front to start losing themselves, dancing and having a good time to break people out of this weird self-conscious trance. It’s as if it sweeps across the rest of the crowd like an electrical current shocking them all back to life and everyone has so much more fun after that. “If you want a passive, one-sided entertainment experience, go to a movie.”

TKO Booking Agency -

PR/Online Radio & Playlist Promotion/Video Promotion – NPM PR and Marketing -

Jake Davies - Vocals / Guitar

Luke Davies - Guitar / Vocals